Sunday, October 17, 2010

Test Run

Is this where I type my blog?? maybe?
AHA!! Yes it is.

 Okay, so blog time. Well I was going to title this "These times" but then was messing around to get it to work and put in "Test run" and that seems much better to me.
 So, with me I'm getting into my time for heading to college. Where I don't know, but I'm now checking them out on top of working 40 hours a week and attending two youth groups, and one men's meeting. So not too bad, because the campus visits will be few and far between.
 Then these past couple of days I have had the sense that God was wanting me to make sure that I told people how I felt about them. To me it felt like I was saying "goodbye" to them, which confused me and I didn't really like so I asked God about it. He said that I was "somewhat" saying goodbye. Which to me means that there is something that is going to be/getting moved and/or replaced in me. I know that it's a good thing because God is the one doing it and ALL He does is good. That doesn't mean that it is always pain-free though. So I've been doing that today, making sure that I tell people that I love them and other things like that. I don't think it showed as a change in behavior to people or not, doesn't matter though.
 I am kinda anxious about my trip to Seattle because of this though. I know that the conference is going to be phenomenal so it might have something to do with that, that will greatly change me. I've been more nervous about the flights though.
 I don't know what's going to happen, worrying will only make it worse... So I'm going to just chill and wait to see what happens.

I'll talk to y'all later...

P.S.This blog was written before I found out that this is where to put it, so the description may seem a little odd.

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